favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 13, 2005 Subject:
spicy cheese
Never steal cheese.. Great fun in this vintage cartoon. Maybe the characters were transformed into a cat and mouse after this movie?
Reviewer:Little Nemo
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 6, 2005 Subject:
truly bizarre insanity. hugely enjoyable. I like the part where the word 'hey' penetrates all the mountain peaks, comes back around and knocks the
dude's head off. light a bowl of cheerios, and this one is really surrealistically funny. any relation to the later Tom and Jerry I wonder?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 3, 2005 Subject:
So funny!
You will laugh throughout this cartoon... Although it has been created more than 70 years ago, the jokes are still working well. Moreover the animation
quality is great and the picture style, though simple, is quite efficient.